Sunday, 28 July 2013

What are the main functions of a music video?

What are the main functions of a music video ?

As a class, we talked about the main features of a music video being to attract an audience and it presents the artist.
A perfect example of this is 'Still in to you'(2013) by Paramore...

One way that this video attracts the audience is the use of a mid shot is used at the beginning to engage the audience.
This video has been used by Paramore and their producer Justin Meldal-Johnsen to create a new image of them.
Previously, Paramore had a punk rock image. At the time, they had a target market of 20-30 year old.

However, as you can see, Paramore have changed their image to attract their target market. They have swapped the typical black and grudge image for a cute and colourful pop image!

This therefore demonstrates the power of music videos: they can represent and change any music artist.

But was this always the main intention of a music video?

We looked back to the first music video ever produced. The video featured jazz singer Bessie Smith, 1929...

As you can see, the intentions are still the same. They want to promote their music, and provide a visual for the audience in order for the fans to engage. Shots such as the close-up on Bessie's face are used to portray Bessie as a relatable woman and her voice and message are further emphasised.

Another example of this is Queen(1975) when 'Bohemian Rhapsody' was considered the beginning of modern music era.

This video promotes Queen with use of the use of mystery at the beginning. Effects such as darkness and smoke are used to create hype and tension over the artist.
The sense of a live performance enables the fans to feel like they are there. 

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