Sunday, 28 July 2013

What are the main functions of a music video?

What are the main functions of a music video ?

As a class, we talked about the main features of a music video being to attract an audience and it presents the artist.
A perfect example of this is 'Still in to you'(2013) by Paramore...

One way that this video attracts the audience is the use of a mid shot is used at the beginning to engage the audience.
This video has been used by Paramore and their producer Justin Meldal-Johnsen to create a new image of them.
Previously, Paramore had a punk rock image. At the time, they had a target market of 20-30 year old.

However, as you can see, Paramore have changed their image to attract their target market. They have swapped the typical black and grudge image for a cute and colourful pop image!

This therefore demonstrates the power of music videos: they can represent and change any music artist.

But was this always the main intention of a music video?

We looked back to the first music video ever produced. The video featured jazz singer Bessie Smith, 1929...

As you can see, the intentions are still the same. They want to promote their music, and provide a visual for the audience in order for the fans to engage. Shots such as the close-up on Bessie's face are used to portray Bessie as a relatable woman and her voice and message are further emphasised.

Another example of this is Queen(1975) when 'Bohemian Rhapsody' was considered the beginning of modern music era.

This video promotes Queen with use of the use of mystery at the beginning. Effects such as darkness and smoke are used to create hype and tension over the artist.
The sense of a live performance enables the fans to feel like they are there. 

Saturday, 27 July 2013

What are the main functions of a music video?

What are the main functions of  a music video?

To start off the project, I thought it would be best to make a mind map of the basic functions of a music video.
Main Functions:
  • To make a connection with the audience.
  • To spread the artists music and spread artist themselves across different media types.
  • To make more money and increase sales.
  • To make the artist well -known.
  • To identify the audience.
  • To target a specific audience.
  • The message/moral of the song is more clear and understandable.
  • General promotion.
  • Familiarises the audience with the artist.
  • A chance for product placement.

Beyonce released her new single 'Love on top'(2011).. 
  • She makes a connection with the audience as the camera is always focused on her and the use of mid-shots, close-ups and eye contact makes it more intimate for the audience. 
  • This spread Beyonce's music worldwide, and was played on TV (MTV) urban and mainstream radio, digital download (itunes, youtube converter) and Contemporary hit radio.
  • Beyonce made money out of this video, as it obviously has a reasonably low budget, as it was produced in a NY penthouse with five male back up dancers. As a result, 'Love on top' was in the UK single charts at no. 13 and UC charts at no. 20. Therefore, Beyonce made money and increased sales of the single and her album, 4. 
  • Beyonce is one of the worlds most famous pop/R&B artists, therefore, this simple set and scene was enough to promote herself. 
  • The audience is definitely targeted in this video. 5 male back up dancers are used. It is set in the busy city of New York. This suggests a young, female audience. Beyonce is dressed in a provocative tight leotard, which suggests a more young male audience.

Friday, 26 July 2013

Different forms of Music Video

As we can see from the huge range of music videos that are available to us, there are different ways to present music videos. The main types are:
    1. Performance-based (as if filmed live)
This tends to contain more intimate camera work. Its main objective is to focus on the artist.
An example of an performance based video is Lady Gaga's 'Edge of Glory' (2011)...

As discussed, the genre of the song has a huge impact on how the artist is portrayed in a performance music video . The video sells the experience to the audience therefore, it is advertising them as a performer and their concerts.
As shown in ***

'Telephone'(2009) by Lady Gaga also promotes other artists, such as Beyonce.Therefore, it is promoting both artists and by supporting each other, they are gaining more views, as there is a chance that fans only watch the video because they are fans of one of the artists.

As you can see this video has many edits where fast cutting creates the upbeat tempo and makes the audience feel like they are there.

2. Narrative-based

A narrative video is a video that tells a story, normally telling the story of the song itself. They are broken up in to 5 parts: equilibrium, disequilibrium, recognition, reparation and new equilibrium. An example of this is 'Last Friday Night' by Katy Perry...

This type of music video tells a story, so not only is the song more understandable by its audience, but it is also memorable. As well as this, it can be watched many times!

3. Concept-based video
These are creative Music videos. Often they have nothing to do with the actual story of the song. It is random or has a uniqueness/humorous tones. 
They also seem to be more dependant on mise-en-scene and camera angles to create movement. 
An example of this is the 1986 song 'Sledgehammer' which was preformed by Peter Gabriel. This uses special effects as its main concept. 

The majority of this song consists of Peter Gabriel preforming this song, while he is surrounded by many random images and animations. Although they are mentioned in the song, it is quite random, yet entertaining for the audience to watch!

Thursday, 25 July 2013


Hi there and welcome to my blog, my name is Ellie McCarthy. I am currently studying my A2 Media and this year, we are focusing on music videos. Our brief is  to design "A promotion package for the release of an album, to include a music promo video, together with two of the following three options: a website homepage for the band, a digipak for the album's band and a magazine advertisement for the digipak."
Throughout this coursework, I plan to research and learn more about the purpose of a music video. I hope that my coursework will not only show a continuing understanding of how music video's influence the music industry, but also how they also influence the artist and the audiences perceptions.
I am interested in this topic and am excited to be able to put all of my knowledge from this project in to creating my own video!