Thursday, 3 October 2013

Analysing Digipaks: WILEY

Once again, I analysed another digipak,, this time the album 'The Ascent' by Wiley.
Front Cover:
The genre is hard to identify from looking at the front cover. His tattoo and gold chain emphasise the R&B genre, which are clearly facing the front of the frame, with a bright white spotlight accentuating these aspects. These may also be shown to represent money.
The colour scheme is fairly dark and plain, the the acceptation on the bright text, which contrasts with the background on both the front and the back.
Both images of the artist, involve the artist not looking directing the audience by looking away from the camera. This suggests he has something to hide, which adds to the intensity of the frame.
A waste coat is not a typical choice of clothing for grime / rap / R&B artists, So Wiley wants to stand out from the crowd and be something different.
The font does not convey R&B either. Like the clothing, it represents sophistication. With the addition of this sophistication, Wiley could perhaps extend his target audience.
The main image is extremely large to the other aspects of the digipak such as the small title on the medium size title on the front. This suggests that the image is more important and eye catching.

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