Monday, 28 October 2013

Shot Breakdown

Shot Breakdown
*(SAA)=same as above

Action/Camera Angle and editing/fx/ Lighting/ Costume/ location

0.00-0.06 No lyrics.

0.06-0.10 No lyrics.

0.10-0.12 No lyrics.

0.12-0.15 ‘Oh the state things are in’

0.15-0.17- ‘walked alone’

0.17-19 ‘through the cold’

0.19-0.21 ‘catacombs’

0.21-0.24 ‘Way out’

0.24-0.27 ‘These empty streets are snowed over, they’

0.27-0.30 ‘fill my heart and mind’

0.30-0.32 ‘With their mem…’

0.32-0.36 ‘…ories, ohh oh oh’

0.36-0.42 No lyrics.

0.42-0.45 No lyrics.

0.45-0.47 No lyrics.

0.47-0.51 ‘Oh saint era’

0.51-0.55 ‘Oh saint era, I’ll wait’

0.55-1.03 ‘by the sea, to hope that my heart will come back some day, an’ oh saint’

1.03-1.06 ‘era, oh saint era’

1.06-1.13 ‘I’ll wait by the sea, to hope that my heart will come back some day’

1.13-1.17 ‘broken glass along my feet’

1.17-1.24 ‘boarded holes and wandering souls. They’ve got’

1.24-1.27 ‘their peace’

1.27-1.35 ‘And empty swings they pierce right through, everything they had a chance to do.’

1.35-1.40 ‘They’ve got their wings’


1.43-1.45 ‘and oh’

1.45-1.47 ‘saint era’

1.47-1.49 ‘oh saint’

1.49-1.51 ‘era’

1.51-1.53 ‘I’ll wait by the sea’

1.53-1.57 ‘to hope that my heart will come back some day, oh, ’

1.57-2.00 ‘saint era, oh’

2.00-2.03 ‘oh saint era, I’ll wait’

2.03-2.12 ‘by the sea, to hope that my heart will come back some day’

2.12-2.14 ‘ohh, oh oh…’

2.14-2.16 ‘oh…’

2.16-2.18 ‘oh…’

2.18-2.24 No lyrics

2.24-2.48 No lyrics.

2.48-2.51 ‘Ohh oh oh’

2.51-2.54 No lyrics.

2.54-2.57 No lyrics.

2.57-3.00 No lyrics.

3.00-3.08 No lyrics.

3.00-3.40 -(3.13-3.20) ‘oh saint era, oh saint era…’

Boy 2 walking down the street. Eye line level, medium close up. No fx. During the day-natural lighting. Hand-held camera. Tracking the boy as he walks further away. Boy wearing casual clothing e.g. Jeans and a hoodie. Busy street in Oxford.  

Jump cuts to the front where we see the front of his body. His head is low. Eye line level, close up of face. No fx. *(SAA). *(SAA). *(SAA).

Jump cuts to his face, which he lifts to the camera and gains eye contact. Extreme close-up. No fx. *(SAA). *(SAA). *(SAA).

Jump cuts to an extreme close up of the side of this face. He is singing to the lyrics ‘Oh the state things are in.’ Leaning up against the side of the wall, looking directly outwards, not to the camera. No fx. *(SAA) *(SAA) Inside, surroundings not visible.  

Jump cuts to girl 1 in bed, lying face first. High angle shot. No fx.  Early in the morning-quite dark and gloomy. Hair long and scruffy, long baggy pajamas. In a girls bedroom.

Alarm goes off, and she slowly roles of the bed, and then staggers up. High angle shot. No fx. *(SAA).  *(SAA) *(SAA)

Staggers with walking and walks out of the right hand side of the camera view. High angle shot. No fx. *(SAA) *(SAA) *(SAA)

The font ‘WAY OUT’ in Cambria body font appears in bold white capital letters. Eye line view of the woods. The woods are in the background. The woods are viewed in a sepia effect. Lighting is natural-taking place during the day.

The font Jump cuts to extreme close up of person’s hand playing the guitar. No fx. Lighting is dim, but spotlight is used on the hand.

Jump cuts to a person walking through the street in new york. It’s raining, taken from a point of view shot. Hand-held camera. No fx.

Jump cuts to girl 3 who is putting lipstick on in the mirror. Molly is situated towards the right hand side of the frame, and we can see her reflection in the mirror. No fx. Natural lighting in the room. She is wearing casual clothes, a green cardigan with grey trousers. In her bedroom.

Molly looks towards the camera and purses her lips, then exits the frame right hand side. No fx. *(SSA). *(SSA). *(SAA).

Band plays music. Camera close up shot of boy 1 playing the drums with the beat of the music. Staggered effects, as if the image is placed on top of each other. Natural normal lighting. Casual, hoodie and jeans. Music room.

Girl 2 gets in the car. Medium close up shot. Takes off her hat, which is her work uniform.

She ruffles her hair, applies lipstick, turns up the music and drives away. Filming in the takes her point of view and are seen driving.

Looks to the right hand side, where we see Ben walking past. The camera fixes on Ben.

Camera changes to view the front of Ben walking down the street. Camera is at eye line level. No fx. *SAA. He has his headphones in. nodding his head to the beat. Casual attire of jeans and high top trainers. Busy street in a town.

Cameras angle moves to side angle eye line level far close up. No fx. *SAA.  *SSA. *SAA.

Point of view shot (from Ben’s perspective.) A clip of an ambulance driving past. Blurred smeared effect. *SSA. *SSA. *SSA.

Girl 1 (Charlotte) sits in the library, work spread out in front of her. He has her headphones in and is tapping to the rhythm rather than playing attention to the music. Low angle from bottom of the table leg. No fx. Natural lighting. School uniform. In the library.

Girl 4 (Jemma) lying in bed wakes up and slowly looks around her.  In her untidy messy room. High camera angle, to see the sight of the rest of the room. No fx. Natural lighting. In pjs.

Slowly walks out of bed, mid shot close up, of Jemma looking dazed, steps out of bed, sound of bottles. Slowly walks over towards the mirror. No fx. *SSA. *SSA. *SSA.

Stumbles up, looks in the mirror, then casually looks at her watch, and panics. Close-up of the mirror. No fx. *SSA. *SSA. *SSA.

Extreme close-up of the side of the girls face, singing the lyrics. No fx. *SSA. *SSA. *SSA.

Medium close-up of the drummer playing the drums. Sepia effect. *SSA. *SSA. *SSA.

Medium close-up of the guitarist’s face (Andy)*SAA. *SAA. *SAA. *SSA.

Extreme close-up of guitarist’s hand playing the guitar. *SSA. *SSA. *SSA. *SSA.

Girl 4 (Jemma) walking through the woods, with her back towards the camera. A mid shot. No fx. *SSA. Costume is a skirt and flowy top, natural looking. In the woods.

Boy 1 (Andy) walking through the woods, with his back towards the camera. A mid shot. *SSA. *SAA. Casual attire. *SAA.

Girl 3 (Molly) *SSA. *SSA. *SSA. *SSA. *SSA. *SSA.

Boy 2 *SSA. *SSA. *SSA. *SSA. *SSA. *SSA.

Lyrics “TO HOPE THAT MY HEART WILL COME BACK SOME DAY” Each word appears when they have been sung, in white bold American typewriter font. Woods in the background. Sepia fx.

Checks out her hair in main mirror of the car. Close-up of mirror. No fx. *SSA. *SSA. In the car.

Focus on Girl 2 (Lauren) foot stepping out of the car, hear the door slam shut. Birds eye view shot. No fx. *SAA. Casual e.g. converse. *SAA.

Camera looking at the feet brushing through the leaves in the woods. Low camera shot. No fx. Natural Lighting. Casual-trainers and jeans. In the woods.

Walking through woods from point of view shot. High angle, looking at one pair of feet walking through the woods.
 Lyrics climb up trees ‘that my heart will come back some day’ Point of view shot. As the person walks past the trees, the lyrics

Shows guitarist rocking out. Straight on mid close-up. No fx. *SSA. *SSA. Rehearsal room.

Establishing shot showing the rest of the guitarist and drummer. *SSA. No fx. *SSA. *SSA. *SSA.

Shows drummer rocking out. Straight n mid close-up. No fx. *SAA. *SSA. *SSA. 

Boy 2 (Ben) walking along the street, back facing camera rocking out. Mid close-up. Old movie effect. *SAA. *SSA. *SSA.

People slowly start to emerge in the woods until they are all united, come together hug one another, laugh, act happy, and start to get things out of their bags.   Range of establishing, long takes and close-ups. No fx. Dark husky dusk natural lighting. Very casual, lots of coats and boots as it is winter. In the woods.

Feet running through the woods. High angle. No fx. *SAA. *SSA. *SSA.

High angle Close-up of bottles being grabbed out of a bag. Sound of talking and laughter in the background.  No fx. *SSA. *SSA. *SSA.

Band rocking out.  Establishing shot of band. No fx. *SSA. *SSA. *SSA.

Band rocking out. Extreme close-up of hand playing the guitar. No fx. *SSA. *SSA. *SSA.

Look at the dark sky as they run through the woods. Camera focuses on the sky. High angle. No fx. *SSA. *SSA. *SSA.

Peoples arrive in the woods, get the bottles out, laughing, fire, chilling, ends with close up of two bottles of beer smashing together and a ‘woo’. Sepia effect. *SSA. *SSA. *SSA.

Action/Camera Angle and editing/fx/ Lighting/ Costume/ location

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