Friday, 4 October 2013

Analysing magazine Advertisements KATY PERRY

Next, I looked at Katy Perry. As you know, Katy is a famous American Pop singer. 

Although this advertisement is quite unusual, it isn't for Katy. Many would agree with me when I say that I was immediately drawn to this poster, as it is very bright bold and eye-catching. 
Katy's clothing is quite retro, and the colours again are bright and play-ful. It contrasts with the title of 'Teenage Dream' as not many teenagers would dress in this provocative way. Her pose is strong and suggests she is confident. This is appealing for teenage girls and girls will see her as a unique icon and role model. Her bright ink wig indicates her individuality and also reflects her style of music as being fun and upbeat. 

Katy Perry is used in a unique font, which is used on many of her other videos and albums, and is therefore identifiable. It is large, clear and spread-out. She has got links to her website which I think is a  effective use of marketing and would also appeal to her target audience. 
At the bottom of the page, it lists when the album is being released, in a large bold font, suggesting the emphasis and importance.

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