Sunday, 6 October 2013

Analysing magazine Advertisements: BASTILLE

I then looked at Bastille. They are a folk indie band, made up of an all-men cast.
I wanted to focus on them, because I can imagine some similarities to them and what I picture my chosen band to be like.
This is what I found out:

The first thing that I thought about this is that it is very unique. The light airy colours, the detailed image of the Eiffel Tower and the petit curly writing, is not what I expected from a band that looked like this.

Perhaps this is the effect that they wanted to have on people? I think that this add is very versatile, therefore, this would extend their target market, however, I also think that this is not presenting their genre in the most effective way possible and this is perhaps not the most effective way to promote their band. However...
They do not have an image of themselves, but instead of the famous Eiffel Tower. Many would not think that this was advertising for a band. It represents them with French Band name, which makes them quite unique in the British Music Industry.
The font is large, perhaps not eye-catching but memerable. The dates, times event etc is all listed for the reader.
This design may appeal to an audience as it is versatile, therefoer many would be interested in it. It is also quite unique, and has the potential to be advertised in magazines such as 'Q' where of course it would stand out.

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