I next analysed another music video 'Of the night' by Bastille. The reason I chose this was because it is of a different music genre to Kesha and Bastille are quite indie themed as a band, and this is something that I want to develop in my own video.
It is a narrative-based video, and tells the story of a detective who has to deal with death each night.
Although the screenshots are not overly clear, this image shows the beginning of the video, where the title of the band and the name of the song come up in the centre of the screen. This is effective, as there is an fast moving image underneath, and whilst the audience are concentrating on the font, the image is continuously moving, making it visually exciting for the audience.
The band do not feature in their own video and instead, they have actors. I think that there are pros and cons to this, as whilst the actors are able to tell an effective narrative, the band do not feature in it themselves, which I think is very important, due to the fact that the audience will want to interact with them, because they are the ones that produced the song.
The video is set during night time and therefore it is dark. This makes the blue and red police siren more vivid when it is projected against the side of the characters face.
As the man is walking to the crime screen, different camera angles are used to show his face from different angles. This is really effective, as the audience want to no what is happening. Who has died? Therefore, we are able to see many of his facial expressions, which build our suspense even further.
The high angle looking down on the dead body suggests vulnerability and weakness.
There is a slow zoom on the dead corpse. This is a powerful and practical edit as the audience are able to focus on the devastating effects of what the song is about.
There is a pan of the spectators is powerful, as the audience get to see the spectators reaction. The fact that there are also many people viewing the scene suggests that it is a big deal, therefore our suspense builds.
There is a low angle of looking up towards the detective. This shows superiority and dominance towards him, suggesting he has an important and prominent job.
A POV shot is used throughout the video to show the streets. This lets the audience no of the setting and location of where the video is set.
The video ends with a fade out sequence with the audio. THis brings an end to the video peacefully rather than abruptly.
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